*Note to parents: this episode features ghosts and a visit to the underworld… and may be a little scary!
When we left our story last, Wukong had just left the Water-Crystal Palace of the Dragon of the East. He had taken the Jingubang, and had also acquired a magnificent suit of armor. As the other monkeys of Mount Hua Guo awaited their King’s return, they listened to an old monkey tell a story:
“High in the nine heavens, the Jade Emperor reigns…
… but down, deep in darkness… Ten Lords of darkness rule...”
“Oh, how horrible!” said a little monkey. “I don’t ever want to go there!” exclaimed another.
And just then, there was the sound of water: and there was Wukong, leaping out of the little silver river! And there stood the Monkey King: with his golden cloak swirling around him. The little monkeys ran forth and surrounded their king, chattering excitedly. Wukong laughed, and said: “I’ve come back with a treasure! Quick, come look at this!” And with a loud thunk, Wukong planted the gold-hooped Jingubang into the cave floor. The curious little monkeys surrounded the staff at once, and they tried to pick it up. But try as they might, they couldn’t move it, not even an inch!
就在这时,传来了水声: 只见悟空从小银河中跳了出来! 美猴王站在那里,身上的金色战袍翩然飞舞. 小猴儿们跑到它们大王跟前,叽叽喳喳叫个不停。悟空笑着说:“我可是带了宝贝回来啊!快来看看!” “铛”的一声响,悟空把金箍棒插在了水帘洞的地面上。好奇的小猴子们立刻把这法杖给围住了,试图把它抬起来。可是不论怎么弄,都没能将它移动一毫一厘!
“It’s too heavy! Great King, how on earth can you wield this?”
Wukong grinned. “You think this is heavy?” he laughed, “ Wait until you see this!” Smiling mysteriously, he whispered: small! And in a blink of an eye, the Jingubang shrank to the size of a needle. Wukong tucked it into his ear for safe keeping。The little monkeys were stunned: they climbed onto the Monkey King, trying to see where the magic staff had gone. Wukong laughed:
悟空一笑:“你们觉得这很重?哈哈!你们等着瞧!” 悟空神秘的一笑,悄悄的念了一声:“小!” 一眨眼,金箍棒就缩成了绣花针那么大。悟空把它放在了耳朵里好好的保管起来。小猴子们惊呆了:它们爬到了猴王的身上,试图搞清楚那法杖到底去哪儿了。悟空笑了笑:
“Come, Monkeys! Let’s celebrate!”
The Monkeys held a great feast – and invited all the kings of the nearby mountains. They feasted and drank for an entire day (the enormous Bull Monster King finished an entire barrel of wine all by himself!) When the guests had eaten and drank their fill, they left – one after the other. Wukong yawned – for the wine had made him sleepy. He leaned back into his throne, and felt his eyes drift close…
How odd, he thought to himself. Where did all this mist come from?
And out from that mist, Wukong saw two figures emerge: one clothed in black and the other in white. In their hands, they carried a thick rope. When they reached Wukong, they threw the rope around the Monkey King and pulled. And just like that, Wukong’s spirit drifted away from his body! Tied tightly in the rope, Wukong’s spirit floated behind the two ghouls, as they entered into the mist.
悟空看见从雾中出现了两个身影,一个身穿黑袍,一个身穿白袍。 他们手中牵了一根绳子。当他们俩来到悟空身边时,把绳子往它身上一套。就这样,悟空的灵魂离开了它的身体!紧紧的被绑在绳子上,悟空的灵魂跟着那两个小鬼朝迷雾中漂去。
The two ghouls seemed to be walking downwards: the mist went from white, to gray, to a smoky black. As they walked, Wukong began to awaken from his drunken stupor... He blinked to clear the mist from his eyes, and saw they were approaching a city gate. A sign upon gate read:
The Dark Lands
"Aiya! "
What am I doing here?! All at once, Wukong was wide awake! “Who are you?!” He roared at the two ghouls, who were still pulling at his rope. “Silence Monkey!” the ghoul in white snapped. The ghoul in black sneered: “We are your superiors! In the Dark Lands, you obey us!” When the ghoul in black said this, Wukong exploded in fury: the ropes binding him snapped and Wukong leapt into the air. As he did so, he plucked the Jingubang from his ear – and in a flash it became full sized. Wukong brought the Jingubang whizzing down onto the unlucky heads of the little ghouls. They were flattened at once. Wukong wasn’t finished. He gripped the Jingubang and struck at the city gates. The ghost soldiers who tried to bar him were sent flying.
我在这儿做什么?一下子,悟空彻底的惊醒了!“你是谁?”它对着那两个牵绳子的鬼吼道。“闭嘴,猴子!”白衣鬼厉声叫到。黑衣鬼冷笑道:“我们是你的上司!在阴间,你归我们管!” 当黑衣鬼说完这话,悟空彻底暴怒了,紧紧绑住它的绳子咔嚓一下断开了,悟空气愤的跳了起来,与此同时,它拔出了耳朵里的金箍棒,瞬间把它变大了。悟空用金箍棒狠狠的朝那两个小鬼头上砸Zá去,他们瞬间就被打成肉饼了。悟空可没有就此善罢甘休!它提着金箍棒朝城门砸去,那些企图阻止它的鬼魂们全都被 打飞了。
“Who is in charge here?!”
By this time, ghosts were scattering every which way: some fled to the south and others ran to the north. Others hid to the east and cowered in the west. A few ran, panting, into the Palace of Darkness itself. “Disaster! Calamity!” they shrieked. “What on earth is going on?” The Ten Lords of darkness asked.
这时候,幽灵鬼魂们四下逃窜,有的往南,有的向北,他们东躲西藏,有少数的几个,躲进了森罗。“灾难来啦!灾难呀!”他们尖叫道。“发生什么了?” 阴间地府的十殿diàn阎王爷问道。
“Outside!” “There’s a hairy faced monster thundering about… and he’s heading this way!” And sure enough, by the time the ghost sentry had finished his report, Sun Wukong had already fought his way into the Palace of Darkness。The lords of the underworld hurried forth and asked: “Highest immortal, please tell us who you are! How can we have offended you?” Wukong glowered at the ten lords. “You don’t even know me and you dare summon me here? “I will have to teach you a lesson!”
“外面!外面有一个毛脸雷公嘴的怪物,他 - 他正朝着这儿来呢!”果然,卫兵刚报告完,悟空就已经杀开一条路,来到了森罗殿内。阎王爷们急忙围过来问道:“上仙留名!上仙留名!我们这是什么地方得罪您了啊?” 悟空瞪着这十个阎王。“你们连我是谁都不知道,竟然就敢把我带到这儿来?看我不收拾你们!”
“Wait, wait!” the ten lords said, “This must be a mistake! Many people share the same name, perhaps our little ghosts summoned the wrong person!"
“等等!等等!” 阎主们说到。 “这一定是个误会!许多人都是同名同姓的,说不定是我们的小鬼抓错了人!"
“Make no excuses!” Wukong said. “Bring me the Books of Life and Death, I shall see for myself!”
And so, the ten lords brought out the Books of Life and Death. First, they brought out one volume. And then, another… and another and another! The ten lords were secretly pleased: there is no way for this monkey to read through all of these! After all, these books record the names of all who have ever lived, and all those who are yet to be born! But alas, the lords had underestimated the Monkey King!
于是,阎王们 把《生死簿》拿了过来。他们先拿了一本过来。然后,又拿了一本…拿了一本又一本! 阎王们暗自高兴:这下可好,这猴子根本就没法儿看完《生死簿》!毕竟,这里写着所有曾经活着的人和尚未出生的人的名字!可是啊,阎王们太小瞧美猴王了!
Wukong pulled a handful of hairs from his body and blew them into the air, transforming them into hundreds of little Wukongs. They picked up the books, and began reading at lightning speed. Before long, Wukong found what he was looking for. In one of the books, written clearly, was the following:
Sun Wukong: Heaven-born Stone Monkey: age Three-hundred and forty-two. A good end.
Harumph! said the Wukong. “Says who?” Wukong waved his Jingubang, and it became a thick brush. He crossed out his name from the ledger of life and death. For good measure, he also crossed out the names of all the monkeys too! As for the ten lords of darkness, they could only watch the Monkey King with mouths open wide.
悟空哼了一声:“谁说的?” 悟空挥了挥金箍棒,把它变成了一支笔。他把自己的名字从《生死簿》上划去,顺便还把所有猴子的名字都给划掉了。十位阎王只能张着嘴,傻傻的看着猴王.
When Wukong was finished, he tucked the Jingubang back into his ear, called back his transformed hairs. He murmured a spell and gave a mighty leap… and leapt straight back into his sleeping body!
When Wukong awoke, he told the other monkeys about the dream he had just dreamed. The monkeys scratched their heads. “What a strange dream!” they said. And, indeed Panda cubs – even today – legend tells of a tribe of monkeys who have never grown old, who are still laughing and playing deep in the mountains of China…
But this is not where our story ends!
For while Wukong and his monkeys laughed and played, the oceans and the underworld were anything but peaceful. The furious dragon of the East was flying toward the Jade Palace in the sky. At the same time, the lords of the underworld raced towards the heavenly palace as well. Just you wait, Monkey, just you wait.
The Jade Emperor will punish you!
Hi Panda Cubs, we leave our story here for today. Next week, I’ll be releasing the third “super episode” of the series: Mandarin and English versions of episodes 11-15.