First things first!
The story you are about to hear is Part One of the 《Legend of Nüwa》, a story I told a while back. Now, Nüwa powerful goddess. She is known far and wide for two particular stories. Today, I tell you the first of these stories:the legend of how Nüwa created… us! The first humans, that is! Ready? Alright, let’s begin our story!
接下来的故事是我之前讲过的 《神女女娲》故事的第一部。女娲呀,她是一位神通广大的女神。关于女娲的著名故事有两个。今天, 我会给你讲第一个故事 : 女娲造人!准备好了吗?好,我们开始讲故事吧!
Drawings & Videos for this Episode!
For time-lapse video of this illustration, see the last video below! :)
In the beginning, there was only she. Her name was Nüwa, and she was as tall as the mountains, with eyes that shone like stars. Nüwa looked to the sea, and saw fishes swimming to and fro. She looked to the sky, and saw birds flying in flocks. But though she searched high and low, she could not find another like herself! Nüwa was terribly lonely, for there was no one with whom she could laugh, or dance, or sing…
在一开始,世上只有她。她的名字叫做女娲,身体跟高山一样高,双眼像星星一样亮。女娲向海中望去,看见鱼儿们游来游去。 她又向天空望去,看见鸟儿们在一起飞。但她找来找去却找不到和她一样的人!女娲非常孤独, 因为没有人能陪她一起笑、 一起跳舞、一起唱歌…
“I will make myself some companions, and I won’t be lonely anymore!”
So, she took a handful of soft mud from the Riverbank and fashioned it into a person who looked just like her! … Except much smaller (about the size of you and me).Nüwa placed the little mud person onto the ground. As soon as its feet touched solid earth, it began to laugh, to dance and to sing!
“我为自创造一些伴侣, 我就不会孤单了!”。
她便从河岸上拿了一些泥土,做成了一个和她长得一样的人! … 只不过这个人小多了 (跟你和我差不多一样大). 女娲把小泥人放在了地上,小泥人的脚刚着地,她竟然开始欢笑起来, 又是跳舞又是歌唱!