When we left our story last, Stone Monkey was walking towards the crystal pool! He faced the waterfall, squeezed his eyes shut, crouched low…and gave a mighty leap! Up and up the Stone Monkey went! The wind caught him and carried him through the waterfall!
上次我们说到,石猴走向水晶池。它面对着瀑布,紧紧地闭上眼睛,蹲了下来…猛地一跳!石猴往空中飞去! 风把它接住, 带着它穿过了瀑布!
When Stone Monkey landed, he looked to the left and he looked to the right, with eyes open wide! For behind the waterfall, there was no water - none at all! Stone Monkey found himself standing in a huge cave! And there in front of him was a gleaming bridge! Under the bridge a little silver river flowed. When the water flowed past the bridge, It made the loveliest of music. Ah!So this is where the music came from! Stone Monkey walked closer to the bridge, and realized the light came from thousands of fireflies! He stepped onto the bridge, and found a stone tablet there. The tablet read:
石猴落地以后左看看,右看看,眼睛瞪得大大的!因为瀑布后面,竟然没有水!石猴发现自己站在一个巨大的山洞里!而它面前却是一座闪闪发光的桥!桥下面有一条小银河,河水流过桥下发出优美的音乐。Ah, 原来,音乐是从这里来的!石猴走到桥边,发现那光芒来自成千上万只萤火虫!它走上桥,发现有一座石碑。上面写着:
What a place!
Stone Monkey continued across the bridge, walking deeper into the cave. As Stone Monkey walked he looked around, and saw that the cave was even bigger than he had thought! Why, it was so big that all the Monkeys on Flower Fruit Mountain could fit inside! And the cave was not empty! Strange and beautiful flowers grew here: the blossoms glowed softly and sent fragrant perfume into the air. There were also stone tables and stone chairs, stone dishes and stone plates!
And look, there! Little beds just perfect for sleeping! This place was just like a home! Laughing, Stone Monkey leapt onto one of these beds, and found the blankets were actually soft fluffy clouds!Stone Monkey wrapped himself in the fluffy clouds, Oh, how comfortable! This would be a perfect home for all us Monkeys, Stone Monkey thought to himself! And so he returned to the entrance of Water Curtain Cave. The water curtain parted and Stone Monkey leapt back to the other side, landing in the middle of the other monkeys.
啊,看!还有好多小床,正适合美美的睡上一觉!这里就像家一样!石猴笑着跳上其中的一个小床,发现床上的被子其实是软绵绵的云朵!石猴把自己裹在蓬松的云朵中。真舒服啊!这地方正适合咱们猴类居住, 石猴心里想着! 于是,它便回到了水帘洞口。水帘分开了,石猴便跳回了对岸,跳到猴群中。
The monkeys rushed forth, and gathered around the Stone Monkey:
“How deep is the water? “ They asked,
"What is it like inside?"
“水有多深啊?” 它们问。
"There’s no water inside at all!" Stone Monkey laughed, "There is a cave inside!This cave is very, very large! We can all live in there, the young and the old! From now on, we no longer need fear the summer heat, or the winter cold!"The other monkeys were very happy and cheered in delight!
“ 里面根本就没有水!” 石猴嘻嘻笑道。“里面是个山洞!这山洞非常非常大!我们都可以搬进去住,老老少少都可以!从今以后,我们再也不必害怕夏天的炎热或是冬天的寒冷了!” 群猴们高兴地欢呼着:
“ 太好了, 太好了!
Wonderful! How wonderful! “
So the Stone Monkey asked again for the wind and the waterfall’s help.. .And the wind carried all the monkeys toward the water curtain cave, every single one! And the waterfall parted to let all the monkeys through! Once in the cave, the monkeys ran across the bridge, each more excited than the last! They grabbed the stone bowls and plates, and jumped up and down on the cloud beds,
石猴再一次向风和瀑布寻求帮助,风便把所有的猴子都带向了水帘洞, 一个不落(落(là))!瀑布也分开了水帘,让所有的猴子穿过去!一到洞里,群猴们便跑过了桥, 一个比一个兴奋!它们拿着石碗和石盘子在云床上跳来跳去。
And through the chaos, there came a voice. It was Stone Monkey! “Monkeys!", He said, "Do we monkeys keep our word?" The monkeys looked at him surprised。And the Stone Monkey continued on : "You all said before, that if someone could leap to the other side of the waterfall, and then come back unharmed...You would honor him as King! Today, I have gone in and I have come out, and have even found us this wonderful home...Why do you not Honor me as King? ”
在混乱中,传出一个声音!是石猴!“Monkeys! 猴儿们!“ 它说。“我们猴子说话算不算数呀?” 群猴们惊讶的看着它。石猴接着说:“你们之前说过:只要有谁有本事跳进瀑布,又再安然无恙的跳回来,你们就封他为王!我如今做到了,还给大伙儿找了这么好的一个家,你们怎么不封我为王呢?”
Hearing this,the monkeys finally remembered. “He’s right!” they said,"we should be true to our word! We monkeys may be naughty, but we are honorable and truthful!" And so the monkeys gathered fresh flowers and green grass, and wove the Stone Monkey a colorful crown. The fireflies came, too, and shone their golden light upon the Stone Monkey. The effect was so mesmerizing that the other monkeys exclaimed:
听到这里,群猴们才反应过来。“对啊,”它们说“我们应该说话算数才对,“我们猴子虽然淘气, 但是我们是诚实守信的!” 于是,群猴们便找了许多鲜花绿草,给石猴编织了一顶五颜六色的皇冠. 洞中的萤火虫也飞了过来,把石猴照的金光灿烂。真是迷人啊!群猴们都感叹道:
The Monkey King smiled. Monkey King, he thought, sounds so much better than Stone Monkey. From now on, I shall be known as the Monkey King!
石猴笑了笑。美猴王, 它心里想,比石头猴子”好听多了!从今往后,我便叫美猴王!
Panda Cubs, this is how Stone Monkey became the “mei-hou-wang” – the Monkey King ! So, is this the end of our story? Not at all! It is only the beginning! We will continue this story soon! Goodbye for now, Panda Cubs!
Cloud bed! 云床!
Long live the Monkey King! 美猴王万岁!