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自从女娲创造人类以后, 她便不再孤单了! 因为 她的子女又有了子女。子子孙孙,一代又一代, 直到世界的每个角落都有了幸福的人们!
After Nüwa created the first humans, she was no longer lonely, for her children had children, and those children had children too! Generation upon generation followed, until the whole wide world was full of happy people!
But alas, the happy days did not last…
因为水神共工谋反, 跟火神祝融大战起来!
For the water god Gong Gong rose in rebellion against the fire god Zhu Rong!
他们打了一整天整一夜. 最后,共工输了. 他一气之下把头朝天空狠狠地撞了去!
Their battle lasted one whole day, And one entire night! In the end, Gong Gong lost. He flew into such a rage that he rammed his head straight into the sky!
The heavens shook
and the earth trembled
and up in the blue sky
There appeared a crack!
忽然,天塌了一大块儿, 留下了一个大大的窟窿!
And suddenly, down fell an entire piece of sky - leaving behind a gaping hole!
And from that hole,
a torrent of water came rushing down!
The river of the heavens, milky with stars
Was now flowing to earth!
只不过天上的河水可 不适合大地… 那河水变成了滔滔洪水 - 把农田、村庄和百姓们都冲走了.
But the waters of heaven were not meant for this earth - for the river water became a great flood
that swept away crops, and villages and the people.
随着洪水掉下来的那些星星, 落地以后立刻着了火! 到处都是熊熊大火…大地热 得无法忍受.
Broken stars which fell with the water caught fire when they landed - and terrible flames engulfed the land, hot and unbearable…
女娲的子女们呼喊着, 又是悲伤又是痛苦:(
And Nüwa’s children cried out in sorrow and in pain:(
善良的女娲忍受不了眼看着她的子孙们如此痛苦. 她便从世界各地收集了五彩石:
The kind hearted Nüwa could not bear to see her children suffer like this. So from all four corners of the earth, she gathered stones of five brilliant hues:
From the East she took stones of yellow amber
From the West stones of ruby red
From the North, blue sapphires and purple amethysts
And lastly, from the South, stones of emerald green.
女娲把她收集到的石头放进了篮子里, 向天空飞去 ~
Nüwa placed the stones into her basket, and flew towards the sky ~
一块接一块儿, 女娲开始修补天空!
Piece by piece, Nüwa began to mend the sky!
Ah, that’s it!
只需要最后一块儿石头,天就会补完了! 不过当女娲伸手去拿最后那块石头…篮子却是空的.
Just one more piece of stone and the sky would be complete! But when Nüwa reached for that last piece of stone, the basket was empty.
What if the sky could not be fixed?
女娲低头看着她的子孙们, 从她的双眼里落下了泪水。 泪水落向大地, 变成了温柔的雨, 把熊熊烈火扑灭了. 然后,女娲摇身一变,把自己的身体变成了最后那一块石头, 终于把天空中的缺口补修好了。
Nüwa gazed down at her children, and cool tears fell from her eyes。 As the tears fell to the earth, they became gentle rain which doused the raging fires. And then Nüwa transformed her own body into that last piece of stone, and filled the hole in the center of the sky.
Nüwa mended the sky…but what happened to her? Is she gone forever?
Don’t worry!
有的时候啊,你依然能够看见女娲. 在大雨过后太阳出来的时候, 抬起头往上看! 女娲就在天上 - 穿着五颜六色的衣服…天空中的一个彩虹!
Sometimes, you can see Nüwa still! When the sun comes out after a storm, lift your head and look up! And there is Nüwa, right in the sky, clothed in the most brilliant of colors - a rainbow at the center of the sky!
The End! … For now:)
We’ll see you next week!
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