Episode 8 - No Name 没名没姓
上次我们讲到,美猴王来到了斜月三星洞。这里住着一位叫菩提祖师的神仙! 不过,洞门紧紧关闭。怎么进去呢?美猴王不太敢敲门,便爬上了一棵松树,开始玩耍.过了一会儿,洞门开了一个缝儿。从里面走出了一位仙童。
When we left our story last, the Monkey King had arrived at the 'Cave of the Slanting Moon'! Here lived an immortal, the Master Puti. However, the cave door was shut tight. How to get in? The Monkey King didn’t quite dare to knock, so he climbed up a pine tree and began to play. After a while, the door opened a crack. And from inside, out stepped an immortal youth.
“Who is out here, messing about?”
美猴王立刻从树上跳了下来,向仙童鞠了个躬说:“我不是来胡闹的! 听说这儿住着一位神仙 -我是来拜师的!” “啊”仙童笑到,“我家师父是说外面来了个求学的人…想必就是你咯?” “是的,是,是我!” 美猴王兴奋地跳上跳下!“好吧,随我来”那仙童转身走进洞里。美猴王跟着他往里走,长长的尾巴摆来摆去。没过多久,他们来到了内厅。
The Monkey King quickly leaped down from the tree, bowing to the immortal youth. “I’m not here to mess about! I hear that an immortal lives here – I am here to seek a master!” “Ah”, the immortal youth laughed, “My master did indeed say that there was someone seeking knowledge out here… I guess that someone is you?” “Yes, yes, yes that’s me!” The Monkey King jumped up and down excitedly. “Alright then, follow me”, and the immortal youth turned, walking into the cave. The Monkey King followed, long tail waving to and fro. Before long, they arrived at the inner hall.
只见菩提祖师端坐在台上。台下坐着30多个徒弟。“师父! 弟子来了”猴王大声的叫道。“哦?你是何人?来自哪里?先报上姓名来!”祖师说。猴王答道:“师父!我来自花果山,水帘洞!我没姓没名!
And there on a raised dais sat the Master Puti. Around him sat 30 disciples. “Master! Your student has come!” the Monkey King called, loudly. “Oh? Who are you and where do you come from? State your given name!” the Master said. The Monkey King replied, “Master! I hail from Flower Fruit Mountain’s Water Curtain Cave! I have no given name!”
The Master’s eyes flashed, “Chase him away!” he shouted “Liars have no place here!”
祖师的眼睛闪了闪,喝道: “把它赶出去!这里可容不下说谎的人!”
The Monkey King knelt down with a thump. “Master, every word I say is true!” “Humph”, said the Master. “There are two whole oceans between Flower Fruit Mountain and here – and it would take 10 years to journey here! What is more, who has no given name?” The Monkey King hurriedly explained: “I have sailed across oceans for more than 10 years to get here! I have no father or mother, as I burst out of a stone! No one has given me a name.”
Hearing this, the Master was secretly pleased, thinking: “He really is a magical monkey!” “Very well” the Master said, “Do rise. I accept you as a disciple”.
不过,猴王依然跪在神仙面前。“师父!请您帮我取个真正的名字吧” 祖师点了点头。他闭上眼睛,算了算。天上的星星悄悄地对他说:
Yet, the Monkey King stayed kneeling before the immortal. “Master! Please give me a proper name!” The Master nodded his head. He shut his eyes and calculated… And the stars whispered to him and said:
One day, this monkey’s name will be known throughout the land! And that name, is
Sun Wukong
And it was as if the Monkey King had heard the words of the stars! “Thank you Master, thank you! From today, I have a real and proper name! I am: SUN WUKONG!”
熊猫宝宝们,这周的故事就讲到这里了! 美猴王孙悟空接下来跟师父学了许多许多本领…不过,他学到了长生不老的秘密吗?我们,下次再说!
That’s our story for this week, Panda Cubs! Afterwards, the Monkey King Sun Wukong studied and learned many powers from his Master… but did he manage to learn the secret to everlasting life? We will continue this story, next time!
8 Vocabulary 生词 (71-80)
Episode 7 - Seeking an Immortal 寻找神仙
美猴王离开了花果山,他的那一艘小船带着他漂洋过海 … 一晃就过了好几年!在这期间,美猴王踏遍了北方的土地和南方的土地。 他访遍了东方的国家和西方的国家。美猴王遇见了各种各样的人!还从他们那里学会了人的话和人的习惯。
The Monkey King left the Mountain of Flower and Fruit, and his little boat carried him across the great oceans and vast seas… and before he knew it, several years had passed! By this time, the Monkey King had visited the lands of the North and the lands of the South. He’d visited the nations in the East and, too, the nations of the West. And the Monkey King had met all kinds of people! From them he had learned human speech and human ways。
可是,美猴王依然没有找到能教他长生不老本领的神仙… 所以他继续寻找着。有一天,美猴王来到一座高山前,山上大雾弥漫mímàn,森林笼罩其中。那座山似乎在招呼hu1,仿佛唱着一首只有美猴王才能听到的歌曲。
But still, the Monkey King had not yet found an immortal to teach him the secret to everlasting life…and so he continued to search. One day, the Monkey King came across a tall mountain, which was shrouded in mist, and covered by a dense forest. The mountain seemed to beckon, as if singing a song that only the Monkey King could hear.
Aha! The Monkey King said to himself, the immortals must be hiding here!
美猴王遍走进了那雾蒙蒙的森林。走着走着,他开始听到一个人在唱歌——真正的在唱歌!一闪,美猴王呲溜地上了树,藏在树叶之中。他心想着:如果那神仙看不见我,也就不会躲着我! 没过多久,那唱歌的人走进了他的视野。一位女子一边走一边唱歌,偶尔随处停下来采草药和蘑菇
And so the Monkey King entered the misty forest。As he walked, he began to hear the sound of someone singing – really singing! Quick as a flash, the Monkey King zipped up a tree, and hid amongst the leaves. He thought to himself:If the immortal cannot see me, then they will not hide from me! Before long, the singer walked into view. The girl sang as she walked, stopping here and there to gather herbs and mushrooms.
With a whooping cry, the Monkey King leapt down from the tree, kneeling right in front of her! The girl was so startled she almost dropped the mushroom she carried!
“Respected immortal!” the Monkey King said to her, “please accept me as your student!”
那女子笑了笑:“快快请起来!”她说,“我可不是什么神仙!” “您当然是哦!”美猴王回答道,依然跪在地上。“若您不是神仙,您怎么会在这里,唱那首歌呢?” 听到这个,那女子笑了笑。“啊”她说,“说实话,这首歌确实是一位神仙教我的!” “他的名字叫做菩提祖师。他就住在这座灵台方寸山,斜月三星洞里!不过,这位菩提祖师一般是不收徒弟的。 你得找到他,他也要愿意才行!说完了,那女子向美猴王道了别,便走了。
The girl laughed: “please do get up!” she said, “for I am no immortal!” “Of course you are!” the Monkey King replied, still kneeling. “If you are not an immortal, why else would you be in this place, and singing that song?” Hearing this, the girl smiled. “Ah” she said, “truth be told, it was an immortal who taught me that song.” “His name is the Master, the Zushi, Puti. And he lives right here on Mount Lintai, in the Cave of the Slanting Moon!However, the Zushi Puti rarely accepts pupils. You will only find him if he wishes to be found!
And with this, the girl bid the Monkey King farewell and left.
“谢谢! 谢谢!”
Thank you, thank you!
The Monkey King called to her vanishing figure… and then he too hurried along his way. He made his way quickly through the mists, still following that music that only he could hear. Finally, he reached a clearing. There In front of him, a cave door! The cave door was shut tight. The Monkey King walked up to the door and was about to knock… when he stopped. No, he said to himself. The Zushi Puti will only be found if he wishes to be found. If he is truly an immortal, then he already knows I am here!
“I will wait here!. ”
And so the Monkey King climbed up onto a pine tree… and began to wait.
熊猫宝宝们,这周的故事就讲到这里了! 接下来的故事,我们下周继续讲!
That’s our story for this week, Panda Cubs! We will continue this story, next week!!
7 Vocabulary 生词 (61-70)
Episode 6 - Setting Sail 启航
When we left our story last, the stone monkey was no longer just a “stone monkey”! He had now become the Monkey King, beloved by all! What a carefree life the Monkey King led, there on the Mountain of Flower and Fruit!When he wished to eat – he ate! When he wished to drink – he drank! And when he wished to sleep, he slept! And just like this, 300 years passed…Yet the Monkey King was not happy.
上次我们说到,石猴已经不再是只简单的“石头猴子”了! 如今,它已成为被大家喜爱的美猴王了! 美猴王在花果山上过着自由自在的生活! 想吃就吃,想喝就喝,想睡觉就睡觉! 就这样,三百年过去了 …但美猴王并不开心。
He frowned, brow furrowed… his tail twitching from left to right. And at last, a great big tear rolled down his cheek and fell to the ground. Surprised, the other monkeys asked their King: “What is wrong, great King? Why do you cry? “
它愁眉苦脸…尾巴从左到右来回摆动着。最后,一滴大大的眼泪从它的脸上流了下来,落到地上。 其他的猴子很纳闷,它们问猴王: “大王,怎么了?您为什么哭呢?”
And the Monkey King sighed, and replied: “I may not age as quickly as you all, but alas, I shall not live forever. One day, I too will grow old. One day, I too will face death. We may live a carefree life right now, but what about after we leave this place? For in the land of the dead, the Yanwang rules.
美猴王叹着气回答道: “我虽然没有你们老的快,唉!但我还是不能长生不老。总有一天,我也会老去。总有一天,我也会面对死亡。 我们现在虽然活得无忧无虑,不过咱们离开这里以后呢?阴间地狱(阴曹地府)可是归阎王管。
And in that place, there is nothing…
Nothing the eat
Nothing to drink
Not even light!
To think that we will all have to go there one day! How dreadful a fate! ” And when the other monkeys heard this, they also began to cry: What to do, what do do?!!
“My Lord”
And an aged female monkey stepped forward. She said: “ If the Great King wishes to live forever, there is a way! In this world there are three kinds of beings, who are not subject to the Yanwang’s Rule”
想着有一天,我们终究会去那里, 真是糟糕的命运啊! 群猴们听到这里,也都开始哭泣 怎么办,到底怎么办呢?
一只非常老的母猴子站了出来。 她说: “若大王想长生不老,那还是有办法的! 世上有三种人不被阎王所管” 美猴王坐了起来。
The Monkey King sat up. “Which three?” he asked
“The Buddhas, the Immortals, and the Holy Sages,” the old monkey replied. “They have learned the secrets of heaven and earth! Why don’t you find an immortal from whom you can learn the way of everlasting life? “
“哪三种?” 他问道。
“佛祖 神仙 圣人” 那只老猴子答道。 “ 他们知道了天地的秘密! 大王,您何不去找一位神仙,从他那里学个长生之道呀? ”
"Hao! I‘ll do as you say!" Cried the Monkey King, leaping up from his throne. “Come, my young ones, let us prepare! I shall set out tonight!”
So the monkeys went to work: They made a small boat out of bamboo, and collected the largest of leaves and fashioned them into sails. And finally, when the full moon rose, the Monkey King was off! As soon as little boat slid into the sea, the wind began to blow. The little boat carrying the Monkey King floated further and further away. And soon the Monkey King was nought but a spot in the ocean! The waves glinted silver under the light of the moon, and the wind whispered softly of stories yet to come…
好的! 就按你说的去做! 美猴王喊了一声,从他的宝座上跳了起来。 “来吧,孩儿们,我们准备准备!我今晚就出发!” 猴子们便开始工作: 他们用竹子造了一个小船,又采来了大大的叶子来做船帆。 终于,当一轮满月在空中升起时,美猴王出发了! 那艘Sōu小船刚划到海 里,风就吹了起来。那小船带着美猴王漂得越来越远。 没过多久,只看到美猴王是海洋中的一个小点儿!海浪反射着银色的月光… 风轻轻吹着,仿佛悄悄的说着接下来的故事…
And that’s our story for today, Panda Cubs. Next week, we’ll follow the Monkey King in his search for the secret of everlasting life!
Credits and Resources:
“Dark Tension Rising” – Mattia Cupelli
p.s. ... I'm trying something new! Here is a version of this story overlaid with a time-lapse illustration! click below to "draw and listen"! :-)
6 Vocabulary 生词 (51-60)
English SUPER Episode 1 {1-5 Journey to the West}
Hello Panda Cubs! Welcome back to Panda Cub Stories!
Today, we are going to begin telling one of the greatest stories from Chinese history! This story is called Xi-You-Ji, or Journey to the West. So Panda Cubs, ready to begin? Here we go!
Once upon a time, there was a deep blue sea. And in that big blue sea, there was a small island! A very beautiful island, with white sandy beaches that glittered under the sun. On that island, there was a mountain. On that mountain, flowers bloomed and sweet fruit grew…This mountain - was called “Hua-Guo-Shan”: Flower-Fruit-Mountain. Now it is on Hua-Guo-Shan that our story begins…
On the highest peak of Hua Guo Shan, that mountain of flower and fruit, there was… a stone. A strange stone it was: thirty six feet tall and twenty-four feet wide! At first glance, it was a gray stone. Yet, under warm sunshine it shimmered purple, and under moonlight it shone a jade green…
Some say that the stone dropped from the hands of the goddess Nüwa, when she had repaired the sky. But all that happened a long, long time ago. Now, almost all had forgotten from whence the stone came. All we know, is that it was very, very old…
One day, something strange happened: the stone, it began to move! First, it wiggled. And then... a hop! And then…lighting flashed, and thunder roared! And with an almighty CRACK, the stone… split into two! And from inside the stone, do you know what came leaping out? Why, something with two fuzzy arms and two fuzzy legs; one long tail, and a pair of curious eyes!
Can you guess who this someone was?
If you guessed a Monkey , then congratulations! You guessed right! However, this was a Stone Monkey - a shi-hou! The Stone Monkey scratched its head, and blinked curious eyes… and from those eyes shone two beams of brilliant light! That light shone so brightly that it shot straight through the clouds and into the celestial palace in the sky!
And high in the sky, the Jade Emperor stirred in his sleep. “Did you feel that?” He asked the Heavenly Queen. “Pay it no mind”, came the Queen’s reply, “for what are earthly matters to gods?”
And so they shut their eyes and slumbered peacefully in a midnight sky…
So Panda Cubs, this is where we’ll end today’s story! What happened next for this Stone monkey? We will continue this story next time!
Last time, we began the story of Xi-you-ji – Journey to the West! A story which began atop the mountain of flowers and fruit (Hua Guo Shan), where we met a monkey born out of stone!
While the Jade Emperor and Heavenly Queen slept on in their palace in the sky, down on earth, the Shi-hou, Stone Monkey was not sleepy in the slightest! The Stone Monkey raised its head and gazed up into the sky…and saw a night sky full of stars, glittering and twinkling, for the very first time! Stone Monkey watched the deep blue of night change slowly into red, orange, and pink. He watched the yellow sun rise from the east, and shine warm light onto a land coming awake. The golden rays touched upon gray mountain stones, and painted them purple.
As the sun shone upon a large tree, the tree leaves became a brilliant green. And there! Among the green leaves!
A big, red peach!
The Stone Monkey leapt on to the tree, and plucked the peach! He brought it up his nose and sniffed… Ah! A light scent… like blossoming flowers and honey! The Stone Monkey laughed in delight, and opened his mouth wide…and took a BIG bite of peach! It was like a mouthful of sunshine, sweet and refreshing!
One bite...two bites...three bites!
Just like that, the peach was gone! Stone Monkey was licking peach juice from sticky fingers, when he thought he heard something! Was that the wind? No, it was not the sound of wind whistling… Was it the rain? No, that was not the sound of rain, pitter-pattering down onto green leaves…What could it be? The Stone Monkey’s ears wiggled and his tail twitched! He climbed down from the tree and began to follow the sound down the mountain, into the forest below…
Panda Cubs, we end our story here for today. What do you think that sound is? What did Stone Monkey find in the forest? We will continue this story next time!
When we left our story last, the Stone Monkey had just eaten a big, red peach! Ah… how refreshing! How delicious! Just as Stone Monkey was licking peach juice from sticky fingers, he heard a strange sound! How curious! Stone Monkey climbed down from the tree and began to follow the sound down the mountain, into the forest below...
As Stone Monkey walked on, the louder and clearer the sound became! Finally, Stone Monkey pushed past a thicket of branches and leaves … and this is what he saw:
Lots and lots of monkeys! There were big monkeys, and small monkeys. Tall monkeys, and short monkeys! They frolicked and played in the mountain stream, laughing merrily! Before long, the Monkeys saw Stone Monkey standing by the river bank. They waved at Stone Monkey! Stone Monkey waved at them too!
“ Come over, come over!
Let’s play together! ”
Stone Monkey smiled a BIG smile…and JUMPED into water to play with his newfound friends! From then on, Stone Monkey called Flower Fruit Mountain his home. During cool evenings, the monkeys slumbered under the stars. In the morning, after waking, Stone Monkey and the other monkeys gathered wild flowers and climbed mountain peaks. When they were hungry, they picked and ate apples, peaches and pears. When they were thirsty, they drank cool sweet water from the mountain stream…
One day, it was boiling hot! So the monkeys decided to go play in the river. As the monkeys played, a small monkey suddenly asked: “Hey, where does this water come from?” Nobody knew! An old white haired monkey squinted, looked upstream, and said :
“We don’t know where this water comes from
and since we’ve nothing to do today,
let’s follow the stream up the mountain
and see what’s at the end! ”
So the monkeys began following the stream up the mountain. They hopped and they ran, chittering with excitement! Finally, the they reached the river’s source… Panda Cubs, can you guess what they saw?
The river flowed from a crystalline pool: clear, blue, and ever so deep! And on the other side of that pool, a mountain peak reached straight into the clouds. From the mountain peak rushed a mighty surge of water, which fell in great sheets and curtains, tumbling into the clear pool below! Tens of thousands of water droplets splashed and glittered like diamonds under the sun…
The monkeys gazed at the water in wonder. Stone Monkey looked on with the rest of the monkeys. At the same time, he perked up his ears, listening hard! For from the waterfall there seemed to come a faint, but beautiful melody!
What could it be?
So Panda Cubs, we end our story here for today! We will continue this story next time!
When we left our story last, the Monkeys had just found a huge waterfall! A mighty surge of water rushed downward, falling like a huge curtain into the clear pool below. And what’s more, from behind the waterfall there seemed to come a faint, but beautiful melody! What could it be?
Panda cubs, let me tell you something! Monkeys are extremely curious creatures! If there is a secret, monkeys have to know the answer! They cannot sit still until they know! A little monkey pulled at a big monkey’s tail, and asked: “What is this sound? What is it? Do you know? ” And that big monkey turned and asked an old monkey: “What could it be? Elder, please tell us!” However, not even the old monkey knew what lay behind the waterfall! No matter how the monkeys guessed, they just could not figure it out!
The monkeys sighed, “ If only there was someone who could leap to the other side and then come back safe and sound…they could tell us all about it! Why, we would honor them as King! “ But, the waterfall was so far away, and the water rushed so powerfully, who would dare to go?
During this, Stone Monkey was thinking! Because he came from a magical stone, he could speak with nature! So he asked the wind:
“Wind, if I leap, will you carry me over?”
And the wind replied:
“Yes, yes I will!” “Jump and I will carry you over!”
Then, Stone Monkey asked the waterfall:
“Waterfall, will you let me pass through?”
“Yes, brother monkey, I will let you pass through,” replied the waterfall.
Hearing this, Stone Monkey turned back to the other monkeys and asked: “You mean what you say? If I can go to the other side and come back unharmed, you will really crown me King?”
“Yes! Yes!”
the monkeys chorused.
“If you can do this, we will make you our King!”
Thus assured, the Stone Monkey walked towards the crystal pool. He faced the waterfall and squeezed his eyes shut. He crouched low…
and gave a mighty leap!
Panda Cubs, we end our story here for today! What do YOU think happened after stone monkey jumped over? We will continue this story next time!
When we left our story last, Stone Monkey was walking towards the crystal pool! He faced the waterfall, squeezed his eyes shut, crouched low…and gave a mighty leap! Up and up the Stone Monkey went! The wind caught him and carried him through the waterfall!
When Stone Monkey landed, he looked to the left and he looked to the right, with eyes open wide! For behind the waterfall, there was no water - none at all! Stone Monkey found himself standing in a huge cave! And there in front of him was a gleaming bridge! Under the bridge a little silver river flowed. When the water flowed past the bridge, It made the loveliest of music. Ah!So this is where the music came from!
Stone Monkey walked closer to the bridge, and realized the light came from thousands of fireflies! He stepped onto the bridge, and found a stone tablet there. The tablet read:
The Blessed Land of Flower-Fruit Mountain,
The Cave of Heaven, Water-Curtain Cave
What a place!
Stone Monkey continued across the bridge, walking deeper into the cave. As Stone Monkey walked he looked around, and saw that the cave was even bigger than he had thought! Why, it was so big that all the Monkeys on Flower Fruit Mountain could fit inside! And the cave was not empty! Strange and beautiful flowers grew here: the blossoms glowed softly and sent fragrant perfume into the air. There were also stone tables and stone chairs, stone dishes and stone plates!
And look, there! Little beds just perfect for sleeping! This place was just like a home! Laughing, Stone Monkey leapt onto one of these beds, and found the blankets were actually soft fluffy clouds!Stone Monkey wrapped himself in the fluffy clouds, Oh, how comfortable!
This would be a perfect home for all us Monkeys,
Stone Monkey thought to himself! And so he returned to the entrance of Water Curtain Cave. The water curtain parted and Stone Monkey leapt back to the other side, landing in the middle of the other monkeys.
The monkeys rushed forth, and gathered around the Stone Monkey:
“How deep is the water? “ They asked,
"What is it like inside?"
"There’s no water inside at all!" Stone Monkey laughed, "There is a cave inside!This cave is very, very large! We can all live in there, the young and the old! From now on, we no longer need fear the summer heat, or the winter cold!"
The other monkeys were very happy and cheered in delight!
“ 太好了, 太好了!
Wonderful! How wonderful! “
So the Stone Monkey asked again for the wind and the waterfall’s help.. .And the wind carried all the monkeys toward the water curtain cave, every single one! And the waterfall parted to let all the monkeys through! Once in the cave, the monkeys ran across the bridge, each more excited than the last! They grabbed the stone bowls and plates, and jumped up and down on the cloud beds,
What chaos!
And through the chaos, there came a voice. It was Stone Monkey! “Monkeys!", He said, "Do we monkeys keep our word? “
The monkeys looked at him surprised。
And the Stone Monkey continued on : "You all said before, that if someone could leap to the other side of the waterfall, and then come back unharmed...You would honor him as King! Today, I have gone in and I have come out, and have even found us this wonderful home...Why do you not Honor me as King? ”
Hearing this,the monkeys finally remembered. “He’s right!” they said,"we should be true to our word! We monkeys may be naughty, but we are honorable and truthful!" And so the monkeys gathered fresh flowers and green grass, and wove the Stone Monkey a colorful crown. The fireflies came, too, and shone their golden light upon the Stone Monkey. The effect was so mesmerizing that the other monkeys exclaimed:
How beautiful is our king! Long live the Monkey King!
The Monkey King smiled. Monkey King, he thought, sounds so much better than “Stone Monkey”. From now on, I shall be known as the Monkey King!
Panda Cubs, this is how Stone Monkey became the “mei-hou-wang” – the Monkey King ! So, is this the end of our story? Not at all! It is only the beginning! We will continue this story soon!
Goodbye for now, Panda Cubs!
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Mandarin SUPER Episode 1 {1-5 Journey to the West}
熊猫宝宝们,你好!欢迎回到《熊猫宝宝故事》! 今天啊,我们要开始讲中国历史上最有名的故事之一!这个故事叫做《西游记》(Journey to the West)。 熊猫宝宝们,准备好了吗?我们开始吧!
从前啊,有一片蓝蓝的海洋。蓝蓝的海洋上有一座小岛,一座非常美丽的小岛! 在阳光下,岛上的白沙滩闪闪发光! 岛上有座山。山上有花有果!这座山,叫做花果山。我们的故事啊,就从花果山讲起…
有一天,一件奇怪的事发生了:石头自己开始动了!最开始,它扭了扭…又跳了跳!然后…电闪雷鸣!咔嚓的一声巨响... 石头啊,裂成了两半!从石头里蹦出了一个什么呢? 哇!它有两只毛茸茸的手,两条毛茸茸的腿,一条长长的尾巴…和一双好奇的眼睛!
若你猜的是猴子,恭喜你,猜对了!不过,这可是一只石猴哦 - a Stone Monkey!石猴挠了挠它的头, 眨了眨好奇的眼睛…而从那双眼睛里啊射出两道金光!那光真亮–穿过了云朵一直射进了天上的灵霄宝殿!
当天上的玉帝和王母娘娘熟睡的时候,地上的石猴却一点儿都不困!石猴(Stone Monkey)抬起头,向天空中望去…第一次看见夜空中的星星✨闪闪发光。石猴看见天空由深蓝色渐渐地变成了红色橙色和粉色。他看见黄色的太阳从东边升起, 把温暖的光芒照在渐渐苏醒的大地上。金色的阳光照在灰色的山石上, 把它们也染了成紫色。
石猴跳上了树,摘下了桃子。他把桃子拿到鼻子前,闻了闻…啊!一阵清香味…像新开的花朵和蜂蜜!石猴笑了笑,把嘴巴张得大大的,咬了一大口桃子!像吃了一口阳光一样, 又甜又爽!
一口... 两口...三口!
就这样,桃子吃光了! 石猴正舔着手指上的桃汁,它好像听见了什么!那是风吗?不,那不是风吹的声音! 那是雨吗?不,那不是雨水嘀嘀嗒嗒落在绿叶上的声音。到底是什么呢?石猴的耳朵动了动, 尾巴摇了摇…他从树上爬了下来,跟随着那声音往山下走, 走入下面的森林…
上次我们说到, 石猴刚吃完一个又大又红的桃子。 啊… 真爽口! 真好吃!石猴正舔着手指上的桃汁, 它听见了一个奇怪的声音 …真好奇!石猴从树上爬了下来,开始跟随着那声音往山下走, 走入下面的森林…
" 过来,过来呀!
石猴露出了一个大大的微笑,便跳入了水中跟它新交的朋友一起玩耍!从那时开始,石猴把花果山当成了自己的家。 凉爽的夜晚里,猴子们在星星下熟睡。早上醒来后,石猴跟群猴们一起摘鲜花,爬山峰!它们饿了就摘苹果、桃子和梨来吃。它们口渴的时候就喝又凉又甜的泉水。
有一天,天气炎热。群猴们便决定去山沟中玩水。猴子们玩着玩着,有一只小猴突然问到: 咦, 这水是从哪里来的呢?没人知道!有一只白发老猴子眯着眼睛往河的上游望去:
" 这股水不知是哪里来的水
猴子们开始沿着小山沟往上走。它们又是跳又是跑,叽叽喳喳真兴奋!终于,他们走到了河的源头…熊猫宝宝们, Panda Cubs,你可以猜猜猴子们看到的是什么吗?
那溪水从一个水晶池中流出, 又清又蓝, 深不见底。而在池子的另一边,一座山峰直穿云霄。从那山顶上, 一股泉水像巨大的水帘一样哗啦啦啦地往下落, 最终坠入池中的清水里。 千千万万个小水珠像钻石一样反射出太阳的光芒。猴子们惊异地望着那水。石猴和群猴们一起张望。同时,它竖着耳朵听!因为从瀑布的后面好像传来了一阵微妙而优美的音乐。
上次我们说到: 群猴们刚发现了一个巨大的瀑布! 从瀑布的后面,似乎传来了一阵轻柔而优美的音乐!这到底是什么呢?
熊猫宝宝们,我告诉你们一件事情!猴子是非常有好奇心的动物!如果有一个秘密的话,猴子必须知道谜底! 如果得不到答案它们坐都坐不住!一只小猴子拉了拉一只大猴子的尾巴, 问道:“是什么声音?是什么呀?你知道吗?” 那只大猴子又转身问了问一只老猴子:“到底是什么呢?前辈,请告诉我们吧!”不过, 连老猴子也不知道瀑布后面到底是什么!猴子们猜来猜去, 却怎样也猜不到。
猴子们叹着气。要是有谁有本事过去,跳到瀑布的另一边去看一看,然后安然无恙的再回来给咱们说一说…那么,我们就封它为王!不过,瀑布那么远, 而水流又那么急–谁敢去呢?
这时,石猴盘算着!因为它是从一个奇石里出来的,石猴便能与大自然交流! 它问了问风”
熊猫宝宝们,今天的故事就讲到这里了。 你们猜猜石猴跳过去发生了什么?哈哈,我们下次再说!
上次我们说到,石猴走向水晶池。它面对着瀑布,紧紧地闭上眼睛,蹲了下来…猛地一跳!石猴往空中飞去! 风把它接住, 带着它穿过了瀑布!
石猴落地以后左看看,右看看,眼睛瞪得大大的!因为瀑布后面,竟然没有水!石猴发现自己站在一个巨大的山洞里!而它面前却是一座闪闪发光的桥!桥下面有一条小银河,河水流过桥下发出优美的音乐。Ah, 原来,音乐是从这里来的!石猴走到桥边,发现那光芒来自成千上万只萤火虫!它走上桥,发现有一座石碑。上面写着:
啊,看!还有好多小床,正适合美美的睡上一觉!这里就像家一样!石猴笑着跳上其中的一个小床,发现床上的被子其实是软绵绵的云朵!石猴把自己裹在蓬松的云朵中。真舒服啊!这地方正适合咱们猴类居住, 石猴心里想着! 于是,它便回到了水帘洞口。水帘分开了,石猴便跳回了对岸,跳到猴群中。
“水有多深啊?” 它们问。
“ 里面根本就没有水!” 石猴嘻嘻笑道。“里面是个山洞!这山洞非常非常大!我们都可以搬进去住,老老少少都可以!从今以后,我们再也不必害怕夏天的炎热或是冬天的寒冷了!”
群猴们高兴地欢呼着:“ 太好了,太好了!”
石猴再一次向风和瀑布寻求帮助,风便把所有的猴子都带向了水帘洞, 一个不落(落(là))!瀑布也分开了水帘,让所有的猴子穿过去!一到洞里,群猴们便跑过了桥, 一个比一个兴奋!它们拿着石碗和石盘子在云床上跳来跳去。
在混乱中,传出一个声音!是石猴!“Monkeys! 猴儿们!“ 它说。“我们猴子说话算不算数呀?”
听到这里,群猴们才反应过来。“对啊,”它们说“我们应该说话算数才对,“我们猴子虽然淘气, 但是我们是诚实守信的!” 于是,群猴们便找了许多鲜花绿草,给石猴编织了一顶五颜六色的皇冠. 洞中的萤火虫也飞了过来,把石猴照的金光灿烂。真是迷人啊!群猴们都感叹道:
石猴笑了笑。“美猴王!”它心里想,比 “石头猴子”好听多了!从今往后,我便叫“美猴王”!
Thank you for listening/checking us out! Support us by sharing us with your friends:)
*break notice* - Next (SUPER) Episode 10/10
Hi all! Panda Cub Stories is taking a break this week and will not be posting. I'm staring my Mphil in Education and Children's Literature this week at Cambridge, and things have been a tad hectic with the double-"m"'s. Moving (to the UK!!) and Matriculation (in fancy Harry Potter Robes).
Next week, I'll be posting the first of two "super episodes". October 10th, I'll be releasing an All-Mandarin version of the previously posted episode 1-5.
Next, next Tuesday (10/17) I'll be posing the All-English version of episodes 1-5.
We'll be back with new episodes of Journey to the West (西游记) on October 24.
now... here's some photos of me in my Hogwart (ahem, Cambridge) robes:)
Ok, that's it! Time to actually start studying Children's Lit! See you on the other side of next week! - Linda
Bonus Story 01b - Nüwa Mends the Sky 女娲补天
The Story
After Nüwa created the first humans, she was no longer lonely! For her children had children, and those children had children too: generation upon generation, until the whole wide earth was full of happy people!
自从女娲创造人类以后, 她不再孤单了! 因为她的子女又有了子女子子孙孙,一代又一代,直到世界的每个角落都散布着幸福的人们!
But alas, the happy days did not last
For the water god Gong Gong rose in rebellion against the fire god Zhu Rong! Their battle lasted one whole day And one entire night!
In the end, Gong Gong lost. He flew into such a rage, that he rammed his head straight into the sky!
因为水神共工谋反跟火神祝融大战起来。他们打了一整天整一夜 !
最后,共工输了 。它一气之下用头狠狠地撞向了天 !
The heavens shook
and the earth trembled
and up in the blue sky, there appeared a crack!
And suddenly, down fell an entire piece of sky, leaving behind a gaping hole!
And from that hole, a torrent of water came rushing down! The river of the heavens, milky with stars was now flowing to earth. But the waters of heaven were not meant for this earth... for the river water became a great floodthat swept away crops, and villages and the people. Broken stars which fell with the water caught fire when they landed,and terrible flames engulfed the land:hot and unbearable… And Nüwa’s children cried out In sorrow and in pain.
而从那个缺口,一大股水涌了下来! 天上的银河开始流向人间. 只不过天上的河水可不适合大地。那河水变成了瑶瑶洪水把农田、村庄、和百姓们都冲走了。随着洪水掉落的那些星星落地以后立刻着上了火到处都是熊熊大火:热的无法忍受…女娲的子女们呼喊着又悲伤又痛苦.
The kind hearted Nüwa could not bear to see her children suffer like this.
So from all four corners of the earth, She gathered stones of five brilliant hues:From the East she took stones of yellow amber,from the West stones of ruby red, from the North blue sapphires and purple amethysts, and from the South, stones of emerald green. Nüwa placed the stones into her basket, And flew towards the sky! Piece by piece Nüwa began to mend the sky. Ah! That’s it! Just one more piece of stone, and the sky would be complete! But when Nüwa reached for that last piece of stone,the basket was empty.
她便从世界的四方收集了五彩石。她从东方采取了金黄的琥珀石、 从西方寻找来最红的红宝石、从北方找来了蓝宝石紫晶石而从南方她找来了绿色的翡翠石。女娲把她收集的石头放进了篮子向天空飞去! 一块儿一块儿地女娲开始修补天空。啊!快好了!只需要最后一块儿石头,天就会补完了! 不过当女娲伸手去拿最后那块石头,篮子却是空的。
What if the sky could not be fixed?
Nüwa gazed down at her children… and cool tears fell from her eyes。 As the tears fell to the earth they became gentle rain, which doused the raging fires.And then Nüwa transformed her own body into that last piece of stone, and filled the hole in the center of the sky. Sometimes, Panda Cubs, you can see Nüwa still. When the sun comes out after a storm, lift your head and look up! And there is Nüwa, right in the sky, clothed in the most brilliant of colors:
女娲低头看着她的子女们…从她的双眼落下了泪水。泪水落向大地变成了温柔的雨把熊熊烈火扑灭了。然后,女娲把自己的身体变成了最后那一块石头,终于把天空中的缺口补修好了。有的时候啊,熊猫宝宝们,你依然能够看见女娲。在大雨过后太阳出来的时刻, 抬起头往上看! 女娲就在天上,穿着五颜六色的衣服:
a rainbow at the center of the sky!
Thank you for listening/checking us out! Support us by sharing us with your friends:)
Bonus Story 01a - Nüwa creates us 女娲造人
Drawings & Videos for this Episode!
In the beginning, there was only she. Her name was Nüwa, and she was as tall as the mountains, with eyes that shone like stars. Nüwa looked to the sea, and saw fishes swimming to and fro. She looked to the sky, and saw birds flying in flocks. But though she searched high and low, she could not find another like herself! Nüwa was terribly lonely, for there was no one with whom she could laugh, or dance, or sing…
在一开始,世上只有她。她的名字叫做女娲,身体跟高山一样高,双眼像星星一样亮。女娲向海中望去,看见鱼儿们游来游去。 她又向天空望去,看见鸟儿们在一起飞。但她找来找去却找不到和她一样的人!女娲非常孤独, 因为没有人能陪她一起笑、 一起跳舞、一起唱歌…
“I will make myself some companions, and I won’t be lonely anymore!”
So, she took a handful of soft mud from the Riverbank and fashioned it into a person who looked just like her! … Except much smaller (about the size of you and me).Nüwa placed the little mud person onto the ground. As soon as its feet touched solid earth, it began to laugh, to dance and to sing!
“我为自创造一些伴侣, 我就不会孤单了!”。
她便从河岸上拿了一些泥土,做成了一个和她长得一样的人! … 只不过这个人小多了 (跟你和我差不多一样大). 女娲把小泥人放在了地上,小泥人的脚刚着地,她竟然开始欢笑起来, 又是跳舞又是歌唱!