UPDATE: This episode, I tried transitioning in and out of Chinese and English (instead of saying the same sentence twice in both). I hoped that this would help (almost) bilingual listeners practice comprehension in both languages! I will also post a Chinese only and English only versions as well. After receiving some of your feedback, I've decided to revert back to the fully bilingual version. Thank you again for the feedback! It's incredibly encouraging and highly appreciated.
When we left our story last, the Monkey King Sun Wukong had just stolen all the weapons from Aolai Guo! Soon, every single monkey on Hua Guo Shan had a weapon to call their own! Every monkey, that is, except for the Monkey King. “What’s wrong, great King?” The Monkeys asked.
上次我们说到,美猴王孙悟空刚把傲来国所有的兵器都偷走了。没过多久,花果山上每一只猴子都有了自己的拿手兵器…每一只猴子,除了美猴王。 “怎么了大王?” 猴儿们问。
“These weapons”, Wukong replied, “they are all much too light. Not a single one suits me.”
At this point, four old monkeys came forth. The first was the Monkey who had led all the monkeys to the Waterfall. The second was the Monkey who sent the King on his search for an immortal. The third had suggested Wukong visit the Kingdom of Aolai for weapons. And now the fourth spoke:
“My King, these weapons were made by mere mortals, but you are now a god!
... To find a weapon worthy of you, you must look to the gods as well."
... 要找到配得上您的武器,您得去向神仙要。”
“The little silver river underneath Shuiliandong’s bridge runs deep. In fact, it will lead you straight to the palace of Donghai Longwang, the Dragon King of the Eastern Seas! Great King, why don’t you ask the Dragon King for a worthy weapon instead?”
“水帘洞里桥下那条小银河其实可深了。” “事实上,顺着它,可以直接去到东海龙王的宫殿! 大王,您何不去问问龙王,找他要一件合适的兵器?”
And so, Wukong set off toward the palace of the Donghai Longwang, the Dragon King of the East!
The Monkey King dived into the little silver river under the gleaming bridge. He murmured a spell for underwater breathing, and began to swim! He swam deeper, and deeper: until the water grew as black as night.After swimming for a long time, Wukong saw light again. He had arrived at the palace of the Dragon King!
The Dragon King was drinking tea when Wukong arrived. The Monkey king swaggered into the palace, heading straight for the Dragon throne. A pair of crab guards scuttled in after Wukong, panting to keep up.
“Who is this?” The Dragon King asked.
“Great King” the crab guards gasped, “We couldn’t stop him from coming here! He says he is our neighbor!” Wukong laughed and said to the Dragon King. “I am the Monkey King of Hua Guo Shan. I am in need of a weapon, and I’ve heard that you have quite a few treasures! “The Dragon King nodded. The royal armory was indeed full of weapons, and he could spare a small one for this Monkey-faced god. He ordered his soldiers to bring the Monkey King a weapon.
“龙王!”螃蟹警卫喘着大气说到:“我们实在没法儿拦住他。他说他是我们的邻居。” 悟空笑着对龙王说:“我是花果山的猴王。现下我需要一件兵器,我听说您有不少宝贝?” 龙王点了点头.皇家军械库里的确装满了兵器,他还是可以分享一件小的给这位猴脸神仙。他命令士兵去拿一件兵器给美猴王。
Before long, a fish soldier swam into the room carrying a sword. Wukong picked it up and tested it. “Too light!” he said. The Dragon King frowned. “Too light?” he thought to himself. “I’ll teach this Monkey a lesson yet..”
不久,一位鱼儿士兵拿了一把剑过来。悟空拿起剑试了试说“太轻了!” 龙王皱了皱眉头,他心想:“太轻?我得好好教训教训这猴子…”
“Bring me something… very heavy!” The Dragon King commanded
Soon, six shark soldiers swam into the throne room, carrying a massive pitchfork on their backs. “Ha!” thought the Dragon King. “I’d like to see this puny Monkey try to pick this up!” Wukong swam over to the shark soldiers. With just one hand, he reached out and picked up the steel pitchfork [叉]. He twirled it lazily, and looked at the Dragon King. “Light!” the Monkey King said. “much, much too light! Old Dragon, can’t you do better than this?” The Dragon King was stunned. “Light?” he gasped, “
很快,六位大鲨鱼士兵游了进来,背上驮着一把巨大的叉子!“哈!”龙王心想:“我倒是要看看这小猴子怎么把这个拿起来。” 悟空游到了鲨鱼士兵身边,只用一只手,便拿起了大钢叉。他一边轻松的转动着钢叉,一边对龙王说:“轻,太轻了,老龙王,没有更重的吗?” 龙王惊呆了!“轻?”他惊叹道:
That pitchfork is 3600 pounds ! This is the heaviest weapon we have!”
“Well…” the Dragon King murmured to himself, “there is the magic iron rod that not even I can lift! Why not give this Monkey a try? When he fails, he’ll surely leave us alone!” Wukong’s sharp ears had heard the Dragon King’s every word. “Marvelous!” Wukong laughed,
“好吧!”龙王喃喃自语道:“我这儿有一神奇的铁棒,连我也从未(wei)将它搬起移动过!要不就让这猴子试试?他搬不动,肯定也就走了。” 悟空的耳朵可尖了,他听到了龙王说的每一个字。“哈哈!太太棒了!"
“Old Dragon, lead the way!”
Hi Panda Cubs, we leave our story here for today. What is this magic iron, and what happened next? We will continue our story, next time!