You lovely folks out there who have conversational level Chinese... BUT are still struggling to read.

(aka you’ve taken a semester of CN in school, grew up speaking Chinese at home, and/or are dating/married to a Chinese speaker)


Fancy talk: These comics are built around the emerging theory of story-based language learning, as well as inductive language acquisition theory.

What this means: Panda aims to teach you how to read Chinese organically! First, we introduce new 生词 in context (no translation). Then, the smarty-pants reader (that’s you!) infers meaning from context, drawing from the textual and visual clues! Lastly, we’ll reveal the answer to ya — unpacking the new 生词 in detail and helping you really lock down what that new character/vocabulary means.

After 5(ish) character comics, I’ll make up a spiral-up story review comic, aka leveled stories written with content you’ve already mastered!


The dream is to grow Panda into a graphic novel series

…which guides the reader to full Chinese literacy!

Graphic Novels.jpg


…Until that book deal comes through, I’ll be posting these “edutaining” comics on the social medias!

(Latest comics linked below. Click on Pic to read full comic on Panda’s Insta)

let’s get literate!

… Ok, a caveat: right now it’s just me making Panda Cub Stories (alongside freelancing for the monies to pay the rents). I’ll realistically be posting 2 comics max a week in instagram. If your goal’s to speed your way to CN literacy, my comics won’t be enough.

[Worry not! I’m doing some research, and will link recommended resources here! Coming soon!]

SHHH! A secret project!

…aha! If you scrolled all the way down here, you must be a panda super-fan (omg, we love you, #thxsomuchforlovingus). Here’s yo’ reward, oh most deserved one: