Panda Cub Stories | Edutaining content around Chinese culture, language and mental health

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"Paws"-ing Podcast + Season 1 Revamp

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What a ride this has been! For now, I'll be ending season 1 of bilingual 西游记 (The Monkey King) with episode 15. I have learned so much in making these stories and definitely plan on making more.


For now, however, I need to focus on finishing my thesis for Cambridge.


More importantly, I've learned through making these stories how much more there is still for me to learn (re:making these better, more educational and engaging). I want to do this story justice - so I'll be pausing new storylines until I have time and space to do so.

《西游记》第二季“大闹天宫”预计在秋末回归。 美猴王将和天上的神仙一一过招。

Tentatively, I hope to return to this story later this fall!  Season 2 will be "Havoc in the Heavens - 大闹天宫!" Monkey in full rebellion against the gods above! 



To improve the stories I've already made, I'm excited to be working with the team at Fun-ware to update pre-existing content from Season 1! We will be revising the script slightly and will also be adding bonus content (new episode vocabulary, Chinese culture notes and episode videos!) 

我们将把重新制作的内容发布在熊猫宝宝故事的博客、i-tunes、google play、微信上。如果你们愿意从别的什么平台进行收听,可以告诉我们。

We'll be re-publishing updated content on the Panda Cub Stories podcast, so keep tabs on  i-tunes, google play, WeChat (or wherever else you prefer to listen!)


From now until Mid-July, I'll be in full thesis mode. It's an exciting and stressful time. 


There are so many things I want to do:


Write, teach, publish, share! There are many questions and doubts: is the work good enough? When will I know? Will there be a publisher willing to take this project to a wider audience... or should I commit to the task of self-publishing?



Times like these, I have to remind myself to take things one step at a time:

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


I look forward to updating you again later this fall... and who knows? There may be some exciting news in store:)